Wednesday, 13 July 2011


Well i'm all booked up for a week in Barcelona at the end of august and i am so looking forward to it. Its never been somewhere i've been that fussed about going to but the more i look at the place online the more and more i fall in love with it. I much prefer holidays where i visit cities than spending my week at the beach, i tried that a few years ago at Palma, Majorca and i hated it so much! I enjoyed the warm weather but it was tacky (we were right next to Magaluf) and to me it was just a really warm version of blackpool.

One of the first things i looked at was when i found out i was going was of course Barcelona Street style! I've got to know what to expect so i can plan what i am going to wear on my holidays!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. where in Barcelona did you find the most street fashion? I'm looking to film there on local fashion and love all of your pix and video. Trying to hone in what I want from researching on the internet. great pix!
